Dear Parents,
It is time for our spring fundraiser! We are going to sell the “World’s Finest Chocolate” candy bars as our fundraiser. Proceeds from this sale are used to enable Driftwood Band to remain one of the finest bands in the State of Florida.
The Sale will take place April 7 – May 9
On April 7, 2016students will receive the boxes of chocolate that they have a parental consent to sell. Each case/box contains 60 bars. Each bar will be sold for $1.00. Each case is a value of $60.00($60.00 must be returned to the Band Room for every case sold/signed out).
This is an off campus candy sale and students caught selling on campus may jeopardize their chances for the end of the year trip or participation in future fundraisers. We do not recommend selling door to door. We suggest you sell to family, friends and coworkers. Safety is our number one concern!
This year’s 8th Grade &Symphonic Band, trip and performance, will be on Thursday, May 26, 2016.The Symphonic Band& participating 8th Graders, will be going to Universal Studios of Orlando. The cost is $120.00 per student. Every box of chocolate sold by your child will put $30.00 towards their trip’s final cost, and $30.00 towards the sale of the chocolate. For example, selling four (4) boxes of chocolate will fully pay for the trip($240.00 must be returned to the Band Room) which allows $120.00 to pay for your child’s trip and $120.00 to pay for the chocolate that was sold.
In order for your child to participate in the spring fundraiser, please complete the agreement at the bottom portion of this form and have your child submit it when signing out the chocolate. All monies for this fundraiser must be turned in by Monday, May 9, 2016,(If possible in large bills, or by check or money order: payable to DMS BPA). The student that sells the most boxes, in each grade level, will receive a prize.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Maja Hamuoi at 754-323-3132 or
CLICK HERE FOR Chocolate Sales Fundraiser Contract_DMS Band
Paul D. Morton
Band Director / Driftwood Middle School